All reviewer rates every abstract

Automatic allocation

You would like all submitted abstracts to be evaluated by all reviewers – regardless of topic.

Navigate to
> Abstracts & Reviews
> Menage reviews
> Reviewers <-> Abstracts

Create assignment

In the view you will find:
> on the left: the list of reviewers
> on the right: the list of abstracts

> Select all reviewers by ticking the box in the header.
> Select all abstracts by ticking the box in the header.
> Click the Save allocatuion button.


Check result

Are all submitted abstracts assigned to all available reviewers?


> left: In the list of reviewers the number of submitted abstracts should appear in the 'Abstracts' column: 10
> right: In the list of abstracts, the number of available reviewers must appear in the column "RV" (reviewers): 2

See also: Check assignment/distribution (wie muss der Link wirklich heissen?)