Synchronise the app


Your application uses two different mechanisms to ensure that content is always up to date.

Update program and persons

The program update is triggered manually in the backend of the program planner.

In the program planner, navigate to
> Program planner
> Program list

Click the button Update program.


Note: Depending on the amount of data, the update may take several minutes.

Updating content:

Exhibitors/sponsors, floor plans, messages, info pages

Every 60 seconds, the app automatically checks for new content that has been published, modified or deleted, and automatically displays the current status.

Manual update (optional)

Your browser may access older data from its cache in order to load the application more quickly. In such cases, it may help to update the data locally.

1. Open the App menu item in the footer of the side menu.
2. Select the Update Data button in the new view.


Attention: Depending on the amount of data, the update may take several minutes.
Note: Local updates are not visible to all users.

If the changes are still not visible, reload the application.

1. Desktop view via an internet browser:

  • Close and re-open the application


  • Refresh the browser, e.g. by pressing the F5 key.

2. Mobile view on a smartphone or tablet:

Close and re-open the application.