Create a new abstract

Submit abstract

As an organiser, you can create and submit new abstracts on behalf of authors. Submissions can be made at any time, even after the deadline.

Abstract requirements

The author(s) must provide you with all the information required as a mandatory field for abstract submission, e.g. preferred type of presentation, topic, first name, last name and institutes of all authors, e-mail addresses of presenters, etc.

1. Check if the author is already registered

Navigate to
> Users
> User management

To submit an abstract on behalf of someone, that person must be registered with the role "Author".

Filter for the role "Authors" and enter the name or email address of the person you are looking for in the search box on the right. Click the Search button.


Tip: You can view the full list of submitters by clicking Search directly, without entering a name or email. Here you can either:
a) use the browser search (shortcut: CTRL+F) to quickly find the person you are looking for
b) sort the list by surname by clicking on the column header and find people alphabetically.

Case 1: The person is not yet registered

Please add a new user with the role "Author" (Instructions).

Case 2: The person is registered

Proceed to the next step: Create and submit a new abstract.

2. Create and submit a new abstract

From the results list, select the person for whom you wish to submit an abstract. Click on the buttonimage.png in the right hand column under "Abstracts".


A new window with the abstract submission form will open. Fill in the required information step by step. Once you have entered your abstract, preview it to check that it is correctly formatted. If so, the abstract can be submitted.

Note: Upon submission, the submitter will automatically receive a confirmation email.
If you do not want emails to be sent, we can deactivate this globally for all submissions.
Please contact us.