Layout options

Exhibitors and sponsors

The Smart Abstract app allows you to differentiate between exhibitors and sponsors.
You specify whether a company is an exhibitor and/or sponsor in the company profile.

This choice will affect the presentation in the app.

See also: Create a company profile — Basic

You also decide which sponsor level a sponsor is assigned to.

See also:
Create a sponsor level
Add a company profile — Assign sponsor level

Optionally, you can enter a stand number for exhibitors in the company profile and link it to the floor plan.

See also: Add a company profile — Mark exhibitor stand on the floor plan

In order to display your cooperation partners in the app, we will create a menu item for you by default, which opens the exhibitor list or the sponsor overview.

You can hide these menu items if you wish.

See also: Hiding a menu item from the main menu
Note: If you would like to change the default layout, please contact us.