Read confirmation

To send a read receipt, open the message creation form.

Navigate to
> Content
> Messages

and click the Edit button to go to "Messages" and the "Request read confirmation before" text box:


Request read confirmation by ...

Regardless of which page of the app the user has opened, when a new message is published, it is displayed as a pop-up. By default, the pop-up disappears after 10 seconds and the message is displayed only in the message list and, if applicable, on the home page.

If you require a read confirmation, the pop-up will not disappear automatically, but must be actively closed by the user within a specified time. After the specified time, the pop-up will disappear, even if the user has not closed it.

Note: The read confirmation only applies to the display of pop-ups. It does not affect the display in the news list or on the home page.

To send the message at the set publication time, click the button:

  • Add — to save and stay on the page

  • Add and go — to overview to save and switch to the list view

  • Add and new — to create a new message