Page to external website

Content page

The Editor role allows you to create pages with a link to an external website in the app menu. When the page is opened, the linked website opens directly in a separate window.

Navigate to
> Menu
> Pages

to view a list of existing pages.

Click the New button to create a new page.


A dialogue for creating the new page will open:


1. Select a page type

To create a page with a link to an external website, select the "External website'" page type.
This page type allows you to link to an external website. When the page is opened later, the linked website will open immediately, e.g. a subpage of your congress website.


2. Name the page

Your entry in the "Menu item name" field will appear in the main menu of the application. The name should be

  • short (about 30 characters)

  • meaningful and unique

3. Insert a link to an external website

In the "Url*" field, enter the URL of the website you want to link to.
In the "Target" box, select _self as the target to avoid leaving the app (recommended default).

4. Save your entries

Click on

  • Add — to edit the page later.

  • Add and to Overview — to access the overview list.

    There you can adjust the position of the page in the menu.

See also: Sorting the content of the conference app

  • Add and New — to create a new page.

5. Change website link

To replace an existing link, add a new URL to the page and save your changes.

Please note:
By default, all pages appear as a separate menu item in the menu bar of the app.
However, they can also be assigned as a subpage of any menu item page.

See also: Creating a page with subpages

Adding a menu icon

If your new page is a standalone menu item, add a menu icon to appear in the menu bar.


See also: Add / Replace menu icon

Optional: Set access permissions

If you only want to make your page available to logged-in users of the application, switch to the "Permissions" tab to assign permissions to the page.

See also: Menu item / Page with permissions