Before you start planning the program, create the basic data for your event in the Settings section. This allows you to assign the program items to the correct rooms or session types as you create them.
Navigate to:
> Program planning
> Settings
The first step is to create rooms for the event. The rooms are displayed in the graphical program planner in the order in which they are created or sorted by you.
See: Define rooms
Create categories
Categories are typically used to define the conference session types, e.g. keynotes, oral session, poster sessions, workshops, etc.
If you are not working with session types, you can also use the categories to define session topics /tracks, e.g. Eventtopic 1, Eventtopic 2, Eventtopic 3, etc.
See also: Define categories
Topics or tracks can be optionally used to assign an additional keyword to the program items in addition to the categories.
Duration (of meetings and presentations)
A default value is entered under "Duration" of meetings or presentations. For example, if meetings usually last 90 minutes, enter 90; if presentations usually last 10 minutes, enter 10.
You can overwrite these times at any time during planning in the relevant work views.
When planning a meeting
When inserting program items in the graphical program planner (oder Program calendar view?)
The Numbering tab allows you to assign program or presentation numbers to your conference contributions in just a few clicks.
See also: Numbering