As an organiser, you can edit abstracts using the following options:

  • edit the title and text

  • change presenting author

  • add an author or change an author's affiliation

  • adjust the order in the list of authors

  • change the preferred paper type and topic

  • submit an unsubmitted abstract on behalf of an author (instructions)

  • withdraw an abstract (instructions)

1. Select the abstract to edit

Depending on the submission status of an abstract, you will find the abstract to be edited in different menus:

All abstracts under "Users"

  1. Open the "Users" menu

  2. Search for a author's abstract

  3. Select the abstract in the "Abstracts" column by clicking on the linked abstract number, e.g. A-151 The abstract editing mode opens.


Only abstracts submitted under "Abstracts & Reviews"

  1. Open menu item "Abstracts" or "Abstracts & Reviews".

  2. Search for submitted abstracts

  3. Click on the edit icongrafik.pngin the "Edit abstract" column. The abstract editing mode will open.


2. edit abstract

When you open the editing view of an abstract, the "Content" tab is preset.
Make the changes, e.g. to the author list, and confirm it by clicking the Save button.