Set/replace a menu icon

Menu items and page content

By default, all menu items in the app's menu bar are accompanied by an icon.

In your role as editor, you can add menu icons to the pages you have set as menu items.
Of course, you can also replace or remove already existing icons.

Navigate to > Menu > Pages
and open the desired page in the tab "Content" .

Open a second window 

for the website Font Awesome, where you find all available icons:

In the search field, you can search for suitable icons using keywords, e.g. "file", "video" or "information".

1. Select the icon, e.g. for an information page an "i" in a circle.

2. Copy the class name of the icon without the quotes, e.g. fad fa-info-circle, and paste it into the field "Menu icon" of your app page.


3. Save your changes by clicking Create or Update.

Font Awesome offers most icons in four different layouts:
solid - starts with "fa-solid"
regular - starts with "fa-regular"
light - starts with "fa-light"
thin - starts with "fa-thin"
dual-tone - starts with "fa-duotone".
Make sure to use the same format for all icons (fa-duotone is default). 

If you don't need an icon, e.g. for pages that are only displayed in a submenu, just leave the field empty.