Layout options

Exhibitors and sponsors

In your role as editor for the app, you can differentiate between exhibitors and sponsors.
In the company profile, you define the information whether a company is an exhibitor or a sponsor or both. 

See: Company profile - Basics

Likewise, you assign a sponsoring level to each sponsor.

Creating sponsoring levels
Company profile - Assigning sponsoring level

Optionally, you can define a booth number in the company profile for exhibitors, and link it to the floor plan.

See: Company profile - Marking exhibitor booth on floor plan

By default, we prepare the menu items for you to present your partners in the app. They open both to the exhibitors list and the sponsors overview .
If you wish, you can hide one or both of these menu items.

See: Hiding a menu item from navigation

Layout option: Exhibitors list

All companies marked as "Exhibitor" in their company profile will appear in the exhibitors list.

By default, the exhibitors list consists of an alphabetical display of exhibitor names.

Note: On request, we can set the list so that it first displays all exhibitors with logos, and then all exhibitors without logos. Within the two groups, the list is sorted alphabetically.
Please contact us.

The exhibitors list contains a search field.

  • If you have defined a booth number, it will be displayed.

  • If the exhibitor is also a sponsor, the sponsor level will be displayed.

  • Participants can save exhibitors as favourites.

Clicking on the list entry leads to the company profile, to the company website, or depending on the link setting, you remove the link.

Layout option: Sponsors overview

Companies marked as "Sponsor" in their company profile appear in the sponsors overview.


The sponsors overview consists of a hierarchical display of the sponsor levels you have specified.
The sponsors' logos appear in each level.

Clicking on the company logo will take you to the company profile, or to the company website,  depending on the link setting, or you can remove the link.


Option: Integrate a list of sponsored events

On request, you can display a second tab with a list of sponsored events that you have previously marked as "sponsored" in the programme planner.
Please contact us.
